Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Focus On Learning Disabilities Essay - 798 Words

Identify a Topic With a focus on learning disabilities, articles have been found using the University of Central Florida’s library database search with the keywords â€Å"learning disability† and â€Å"survey† and inclusion criteria of peer-reviewed articles that were published between the years 2006-2016. Four Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles â€Å"Post School Goals and Transition Services for Students with Learning Disabilities† (Alfred Daviso, Stephen Denny, Robert Baer, and Robert Flexer published, 2011) determined that students with disabilities have higher demands for employment with postsecondary education, that there is a correlation between the level of involvement in vocational education or postsecondary education that included mainstream classes and desires for employment or postsecondary education, respectively, and that students believed the employment preparation was highly satisfactory, postsecondary preparation was mediocre, and preparation for independent living and community outreach was unsatisfactory. â€Å"Implementation of a Writing Strategy for Students with Learning Disabilities in a Rural Setting† (Kathleen Gabriel and Teresa Davis, 2015) revealed that the precision of the execution of the Strategic Instructional Model (SIM) used did impact student s’ gains in writing and that some issues arose that got in the way of the execution of the model (e.g., students enrolling late in the program, teachers struggling to complete certain criteria in a timely manner, andShow MoreRelatedThe Data Collecting Process And The Online Survey1064 Words   |  5 Pages7.1 Introduction and summary This chapter will phase in the presentation of the findings and the analysis from the focus group (phase 1 of the data collecting process) and the online survey (phase 2 of the data collecting process). 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